Central - Keyboard and Synth Resources - excellent
site. well written reviews of most popular synths, patches,
samples, classifieds, software, extensive midi section, everything
except the hype.
Tip Tip Tip Cheeepeeeee - a patented musical keyboard
(MIDI controller). It is based on changes of pitch, so the
performer can play rapid, rhapsodical phrases.
Site - from Sonic State. discussion groups, product
reviews, links and more.
Synth Zone -
effects resources for Akai,Alesis, Korg, Kawai, Kurweil, Roland,
Yamaha, Technics,General Music, Lexicon, Peavey plus many related
music links and search engine links.
- Features include downloadable samples, links to shareware, and
general information.
Articles for Keyboardists - useful collection of
articles covering MIDI, SMPT, tape machine maintenece, microphone
placement, compressor/limiters, noise gates, reverb, delay and how
to build and sounproof a home studio.
Theory Online - electronic journal for professional and
pre-professional music theorists, composers, historians,
performers, and others in allied fields.
Theoria - defintions, links and other various topics
relating to music theory.
Music Instruction - interactive music instruction
resource covering notation and harmonic theory of triads, sevenths
and ninths. contains three skill levels, sounds, graphics, and
links to other resources.
Piano on the
Net - Free on-line course uses Apple's QuickTime
software to teach Piano and Music Lessons, including Jazz, on the
Bass Lessons - basic music theory as it applies to
playing the electric bass.Includes tips and suggestions for the
beginning bass player.
Gateway Music
Festivals - provides quality music festivals amd
domestic or international performance tours for hundreds of Jr.
High, Sr. High and College Music Groups.
Gilded Age
Tours - see your favorite performers in your favorite
Intropa Tours
Online - specializing in domestic and international
musical performance tours.
Herald - Find and post information regarding any aspect
of the trumpet world. Features include articles, announcements,
classifieds, personals, and others.
Home Page - A wide resource of information for trumpet
Player Online - The Cyberspace Resource for Trumpet
Players! TPO is the most complete and hippest trumpet resource on
the web!
- an email list and faq for tubists. Also contains links and
information on the tuba.
Universal Brotherhood Association - aims to maintain a
liaison among those who take a significant interest in the
instruments of the tuba and euphonium family.